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Port call

When doing a port call, it is still a requirement to submit a POR-message to FMC.

How to

  • Select "Quantity to be landed" and set value to zero.
  • Submit port of arrival and estimated time of arrival and send POR.
  • The app will ask you to confirm that you are performing a port call with no unloading of catch.
  • Press "Send POR message" to proceed.

Since there is still catch on board, you have two ways to proceed:

  • Send a new POR message if you're going directly to a new port to unload catch.
  • If the vessel is 11m or longer, send a new DEP message if you're going to continue fishing operations.

From here on, proceed with submitting messages as normal. When the next POR message is to be submitted, the app will automatically refill the "Quantity to be landed"-field with all registered catch.