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Configuring MarineSense in MarineSmart

This guide covers configuration of MarineSense in the app. For installation, follow this link.

What is MarineSense

MarineSense is a device that measures voltage on four separate inputs, and can deploy a warning via SMS when the measurements go outside your defined normal values. MarineSense is designed to provide remote warning for onboard systems in an easy to use manner, for any kind of system that can give a measurable voltage in the 0-31V range. It does not include any detectors, but forwards the measurements to MarineHub which processes any alerts. When MarineSense has been powered up and connected to the Wi-fi distributed by your MarineHub, you may use the MarineSmart app to name the inputs and add alert recipients.

MarineSense use areas

MarineSense is compatible with any system that can provide a measurable output between 0-31V.

MarineSense in the app

To recieve alerts, at least one rule and one recipient must be defined. Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

Alert rules

When MarineSense is connected to the Hub Wi-fi, a new button will show up when opening the app.

For instructions on how to connect MarineSense, see the installation manual.

Change input names & alert recipients

This button brings you to the settings for MarineSense.

In this view you will find information about the MarineSense unit like wi-fi signal strength, options to name the inputs and add alert recipients.

Alert texts

In the table below you will find examples of alert texts sent via SMS by MarineSense. It also includes recommended actions and examples of texts distributed when the alert-state is reverted. Should you recieve messages from MarineSense that are not similar to the examples below, please contact MarineDynamics.

CauseInitial alert textRecommended actionAlert over text
Alert when alarm is triggeredVarsel fra MarineSense
Alarm utløst: høy spenning på "navn på inngang".
Check connected equipment.Varsel fra MarineSense
Alarm opphevet: høy spenning på "navn på inngang".
System alert when contact with MarineHub is lostVarsel fra MarineSmart
Mistet kontakt med Hub, varsling ute av drift
1. januar 2025 kl. 00:00 UTC
Sensor is no longer connected to Hub.
Check that MarineHub is still powered on, contact MarineDynamics for further troubleshooting.
Varsel fra MarineSmart
Hub tilkoblet, varsling tilbake i drift
1. januar 2025 kl. 00:05 UTC
System alert when contact with MarineSense is lostVarsel fra MarineSmart
Sensor frakoblet, siste data ble mottatt 1. januar 2025 kl. 00:00 UTC

Varslinger påvirket:
-"Inngang 1"
MarineSense has lost connection, but MarineHub is still online. Check MarineSense power and wi-fi status.
Contact MarineDynamics for further troubleshooting.
Varsel fra MarineSmart
Sensor tilkoblet, data mottatt 1. januar 2025 kl. 00:05 UTC

Varslinger påvirket:
-"Inngang 1"

If you get frequent alerts about connection issues, check wi-fi signal strength in MarineSense settings. Contact MarineDynamics if the problem remains.