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Cancellation, correcting or deleting

On occasion, an error or unforseen circumstances can lead to the information in the Catch Diary becoming inaccurate. This guide aims to inform the user how to:

If the vessel is under 11 meters length, see Cancel arrival notice (POR).

Cancel departure notice (DEP)

Departure notice can be cancelled before any fishing operations have begun. To do this you can use the the button in the trip guide, or find the DEP-notice box on the catch diary frontpage or history, swipe it to the left and press "Cancel". If an error in the departure notice is discovered after catch report (DCA) has been submitted, contact FMC via phone as soon as possible.

Correcting fishing reports (DCA)

Fishing operations under "Pending registration of catch" can be edited with the "Register" button or deleted by swiping right and pressing "Delete Haul".
Reports in the Outbox can be edited by clicking on it.

If changes to registered catch is to be done after DCA has been submitted, proceed as following:

  • Go to the catch diary frontpage or the report history.
  • Swipe last DCA towards the left and press the blue button labled "Edit".
  • The fishing report is now shown in detail. Scroll down until you find the field labled "CA - Catch" and click here.
  • The textbox is now expanded and highlighted in green. Scroll further down to see the interactive list for registrating catch.
  • Here you can correct, remove or input the values needed and confirm with "Register catch".
    On some devices the on-screen keybord may obscure this button.
  • After confirming the new values, press "Send correction".
  • When the trip is finished and arrival notice is prepared, check the fields labled "On board quantity" & "Quantity to be landed" contain correct information.

The app performs this edit by sending FMC a notice to disregard previous DCA and then the updated one. Correcting fishing reports is only possible until 23:59 UTC the day after sending. If any errors are discovered in older DCA's, contact FMC as soon as possible.

Cancel arrival notice to port (POR)

If an incorrect port notice has been submitted, it is possible to cancel the previous notice and send a new one. To do this: go to the catch diary frontpage or report history and swipe left on the latest POR-notice. Press the red "Cancel" button. The catch diary will now resume the latest trip and a new port notice can be submitted as normal.