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How to report fishing operations with deployed equipment


This guide will take the user through an example of how to use MarineSmart for fishing operations where equipment is deployed in the ocean day 1, and retrieved with catch day 2. In this example fishing net is used. This guide is only relevant for vessels 11m or longer. Quick summary:

Day 1

  • Send notice of departure (DEP) with planned activity "Deploy equipment"
  • Start "New haul" with planned activity "Deploy equipment"
  • Send notice of arrival (POR)

Day 2

  • Send notice of departure (DEP) with planned activity "Fishing"
  • End haul started day before and register catch
  • Submit fishing report (DCA) with catch
  • Send notice of arrival (POR) with catch to be landed

Day 1: Notice of Departure (DEP)

Go to the catch diary, start a "New trip" and select port of departure and skipper. If position of activity is selected through the map, we can save this as a favorite location for next trip.

Select "Planned activity" -> "Deploy equipment" -> enter time of departure and expected start of fishing activity -> press "Send DEP"

Day 1: "New haul" - Deploy equipment (DCA & POR)

  • Select "New haul".
    In the pop-up menu, make sure the field labled "Planned activity" is configured "Deploy equipment".
  • Select the blue button labled "Deploy equipment".
  • A dialogue box will ask if fishing operations will continue. Since we are only deploying our equipment, fishing nets, we answer "No."
  • MarineSmart will now automatically submit an empty (DCA) to FMC.
  • Our haul begins, and will not be ended before last link(or line) has been retrieved.
  • When the DCA has status acknowledged (ACK) we select "Go to port" and submit notice of arrival (POR).

Day 2: Notice of Departure - Fishing (DEP)

  • Start a "New trip" in the catch diary
  • Select "Planned activity" -> "Fishing"
  • Select "Send DEP" when all the fields are correctly configured.
  • Once the app proceeds to the tab "Fishing report," we see our haul from the day before is still running.

Day 2: Registering catch (DCA)

  • If redeploying the net, a New haul is started when first link is deployed. Use the same method as Day 1: "New haul" and "deploy equipment."
    Now we have two active hauls: one from the day before about to be completed and a new one for redeploying the equipment.
  • When last link is retrieved, select "End" on the haul from the day before.
  • The completed haul can be found under "Pending registration of catch."
    "Register" catch made during first deployment.
  • After catch is registered, select "Add to outbox."
  • You may now select "Send DCA."
  • If the equipment was redeployed or new equipment deployed, there will still be a haul in progress when submitting DCA.

Day 2: Return to port (POR)

  • After fishing report (DCA) is acknowledged by FMC (ACK) we can go to port.
  • Select the grey button "Go to port" -> Confirm the pop-up message with "Go to port."

Notice of arrival

Quantity on board uses data from the fishing report, control this is accurate..
Fill in other relevant information (landing, port and time of arrival).
Once the form is completed, submit with the blue button labled "Send POR."