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Catch reporting for vessels under 11 meters

Following the changes to reporting for vessels under 11 meters, MarineSmart has a mode for simplified reporting.
This mode is accessible in "Settings". When toggled, the catch diary will take you to a simple POR-report where catch, port of arrival, recipient and time of arrival is reported.
All vessels under 15 meters may report secondary catch up to 200kg in a general category for secondary catch.

Note: Ensure that you have the latest version of MarineSmart installed. Current version is 2.4.0. You can confirm this in the Settings under "App version."

Catch report (POR)

Catch report, or POR is submitted each time fishing activites cease and the vessel returns to port. It is required to submit POR either minimum 2 hours before arrival, or as soon as possible if conducting operations closer than 2 hours to port.

Register catch in "quantity on board" and "quantity to be landed" fields. Estimate time of arrival and time of unloading. Make sure correct port of arrival is selected.

Register catch

Naviagte to "Catch Diary" in MarineSmart and select "Catch registration". Submit your catch in "On board quantity".